
Dog-Related Software for PDAs

A Google search will reveal software downloads, such as DataDog: PDA software for the canine sports enthusiast.

Inexpensive software downloads for your PDA abound.

If you have a Palm PDA, visit Palm Gear and search under the keywords dog and pets. There are programs to organize your dog’s information, and keep veterinary, show and training records. You’ll find games, eBooks, and AKC breed standards for a dozen breeds. There is even a program that simulates clicker sounds, just in case your dog ate your clicker.

Here is a sampling of programs:

  • HandyClic Virtual Dog Trainer (free)
  • PetPal – Dog & Cat Info Organizer (free)
  • AKC Dog Pocket Breed Standards (free)
  • Good Dog PDA Journal (shareware benefits dog rescue)

A Google search will reveal software downloads, such as DataDog: PDA software for the canine sports enthusiast.